Ralink Rt2860 Driver

Ralink Rt2860 Driver

Rt2860 wireless lan card free download - Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card, Toshiba Wireless LAN Card, Ralink RT2500 Wireless LAN Card, and many more programs. Tech Tip: If you are having trouble deciding which is the right driver, try the Driver Update Utility for Ralink. It is a software utility that will find the right driver for you - automatically. Ralink updates their drivers regularly.

MediaTek for USB Wi-Fi dongles based on MT7610U (chipset RT2860, I personally have ipTIME A1000UA). I downloaded (), extracted the archive and: $ cd ~/Downloads/mt7610u_wifi_sta_v3002_dpo_20130916 $ sudo make $ sudo make install Added following to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and rebooted: blacklist rt2800usb blacklist rt2870sta blacklist rt2860sta But the LED on the dongle did not turn on, nor there is any wireless connection available in network settings. Ifconfig gave only eth0 and lo, and iwconfig gave: ra0 Ralink STA Link Quality:0 Signal level:0 Noise level:0 Rx invalid nwid:0 invalid crypt:0 invalid misc:0 And lshw -C network gave: *-network DISABLED description: Wireless interface physical id: 1 logical name: ra0 capabilities: ethernet physical wireless configuration: broadcast=yes driver=RALINK WLAN multicast=yes wireless=Ralink STA I also tried the following: sudo ifup ra0 Ignoring unknown interface ra0=ra0. However, sudo ifconfig ra0 up did the trick and consequent ifconfig is giving: ra0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 64:e5:99:f4:42:46 inet6 addr: fe80::66e5:99ff:fef4:4246/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:368 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:115 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:94523 (94.5 KB) TX bytes:12648 (12.6 KB) But I still do not see wireless connection option in the network settings UI and after a reboot ra0 is shown as disabled again.

Some relevant logs: $ dmesg| grep rt28 [ 19.488641] rtusb init rt2870 ---> [ 19.490869] usbcore: registered new interface driver rt2870 $ lsmod Module Size Used by mt7650u_sta 927128 0 $ lsusb Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0e8d:7610 MediaTek Inc. $ modinfo rt2800usb| grep 2870 firmware: rt2870.bin alias: usb:v148Fp2870d*dc*dsc*dp*ic*isc*ip* alias: usb:v8516p2870d*dc*dsc*dp*ic*isc*ip* alias: usb:v07B8p2870d*dc*dsc*dp*ic*isc*ip* /var/log/syslog: NetworkManager[986]: /sys/devices/virtual/net/ra0: couldn't determine device driver; ignoring. NetworkManager[986]: /sys/devices/virtual/net/ra0: couldn't determine device driver; ignoring. I tried by removing mt7650u and mt7630u from CHIPSET list in Makefile leaving only mt7610u, i.e.: ifeq ($(CHIPSET),) CHIPSET = mt7610u endif Also tried by moving /etc/Wireless/RT2860STA to /etc/Wireless/RT2870STA (as according to dmesg that rt2870 was the driver being loaded) with no success. Same result with both Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit (3.2.0-60-generic) and Linux Mint 16 64-bit (a friend's box).

How do I install this driver? Canon t3i driver Have no real tech knowledge but I can read and search well. I have mine up now with a blue light and showing decent statistics. Not sure what to do with an active ra0 yet. Maybe someone can help me too? ANYWAY: I downloaded mt7610u_wifi_sta_v3002_dpo_20130916 from mediatek Edited according to these pages: • I'm using kernel 3.2 crunchbang Also added fyi-I previously had used the ndisgtk to install windows 7 drivers but that alone sure didn't help.

So the above may be the only bit you need. I also added the bin files included in the 7 directory to my firmware folder. Sorry if I am confusing. Noticed you posted yesterday and thought I would drop in a novice response. I wanted to make an update to natura's answer mainly because I bought a Cisco AE6000 a year ago and wasn't able to use the device even after initially building the /sanrath/mediatek_mt7610u_sta_driver_linux-64bit driver. With the comment from ozbek about changing the./os/linux/config.mk CHIPSET_DAT variable to 2870, running sudo make && make install resulted in a fully working USB wireless adapter. The steps are: • Download /sanrath/mediatek_mt7610u_sta_driver_linux-64bit from BitBucket • Change line:671 to CHIPSET_DAT = 2870 • sudo make && make install.